
Elkie has always loved getting active outdoors and ran competitively for over 15 years, up to county level and as an age group athlete. Elkie has completed races on all terrains from 5km (17min 51sec) to half (01:23) and full marathon (02:59:57) plus triathlons. After starting a family Elkie decided to turn running into her career, leaving an office job in the charity sector and starting Run with Elkie in 2015.

Elkie’s approach to training is to set goals collaboratively with clients and achieve these through varied, challenging and fun sessions, emphasising the importance of technique. Elkie has coached sub 3 hour marathon runners, to first timers, including celebrities (lead singer Dan from Bastille and Ellie and Helen aka The Scummy Mummies).

Elkie is an England Athletics running coach, personal trainer and pre/postnatal exercise specialist. Elkie has coached at Dulwich Runners AC, Crystal Palace Triathlon Club and Goring Primary School. Elkie regularly contributes to articles in Runner’s World Magazine and The Guardian.

Elkie is recovering from a fractured hip and hip replacement following a bike accident in 2020 and using her personal learnings on returning to running with clients.

Running coach

Dan Smith – Lead singer of Bastille in BBC interview

marathon training, coach